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The history of GREAT WALL OF CHINA | Sahir Studio

GREAT WALL OF CHINA    History of the Great Wall of China:  The Great Wall of China is the national military defense project in the cold weapon war era with the longest time and the largest amount of construction in the world. It condenses the sweat and wisdom of our ancestors and is the symbol and pride of the Chinese nation.  According to historical records, since the Warring States period, more than 20 vassals and feudal dynasties have built the Great Wall. The earliest was the Chu Kingdom. To defend the nomadic or enemy countries in the north, they began to build the Great Wall. Subsequently, Qi, Yan, Wei, Zhao, Qin, and other countries also began to build their own Great Wall for the same purpose.  After Qin unified  the six countries, the famous emperor Qin Shihuang sent Meng Tian northward to the Xiongnu, connecting the Great Walls of various countries. From Linyao in the west to Liaodong in the east, it stretched for more than 10,...

Open the forbidden book and Hitler's misunderstanding of "Aryan" | Sahir Studio

Open the forbidden book and Hitler's misunderstanding of "Aryan"

The book "Mein Kampf" or Thai name "My Fight" a book by Adolf Hitler written while in prison in Landsberg prison.

Open the forbidden book and Hitler's misunderstanding of "Aryan"

"We divide the human race into 3 groups: those who started to build, preserve, and destroy a culture. And only the Aryan people who, according to history, show that they are the only races in the first category. "

"From history, there are many examples that When the Aryan blood had to be mixed with the low blood, what kind of cultural deterioration did North America have? Most citizens have German blood. And mixed with the blood of the old people but little  Still has a higher culture than those of Central or South America who have Latin blood but mixed with low native people Openly and independently From the example above, we can clearly see what effect the racial combination in that country will have. The German people in the Americas, most often in relations between themselves. Did not allow the German blood to mix with other nationalities This would allow the German people to have a culture of great heights. And it is believed that, however, he must continue to grow and grow Until allowing his German blood to mix with other nations "


The above content is excerpted from part 11 of the chapter "Nation and Ethnicity" from the book "Mein Kampf".Or the Thai name "My Fight", a book written by Adolf Hitler during his detention in Landsberg Prison, after ordering the Nazi troops he established to march in Munich. Causing the troops and police officers to suppress and arrest Within telling of his own history With concepts and political theories of Nazism It was at that time, five years after World War I, and four years ago that the Nazi Party established Germany is facing economic crisis after losing the war. Britain and France, who won the war, implemented policies to suppress warfare, resulting in starvation. This book was first published in 1925 and sold only 20,000 copies, but after Hitler became Prime Minister in 1933, the book sold like hotcakes. The public has the book "Mein Kampf" stored in the house, not unlike conventional medicine. People give each other books as wedding gifts. And graduation gifts

In 1665, the outbreak of the plague in Europe. There are as many as 25 million deaths. Jews are accused of carrying disease. Therefore had to wipe out the Jews because of resentment This is one example that reflects that Jews have not been accepted in Europe for a long time.

After the end of World War 2, "Mein Kampf" became a forbidden book, and in 2015, this book had just expired on the copyright of the local government of Bayern after 70 years according to EU copyright law. And became a public domain that can be published, which in 2016 after being re-printed, the book won the title of the best-selling book in Germany.

And why did Hitler hate Jews? This question has many analysts. Given that Hitler had originally grown up in a society that had implanted the idea of ​​hating Jews This concept has existed since the Middle Ages. Because Jews are religious and have a different culture from Europeans Together with Hitler's rise to power The economy of Germany is deteriorating. Many people are unemployed. While the Jews were able to survive, raise money, still survive and prosperity Therefore became a conspiracy theory because Jews were the poor German people To the point of Jewish Germany, therefore, lost to World War I.


In the viewpoint of Hitler Human beings are not equal by their origin. And the German people with Aryan blood are the noblest humans By the characteristics of authentic Aryan people Must have white skin, gold hair, and blue eyes. The lower human species are Slavs, Czechs, Poles, and Russians. While the Jews were classified as the lowest races In the book "Mein Kampf", apart from the praiseworthy words of the German people Hitler also clearly showed the hatred of the Jews. And likened Jews to deadly diseases

"The opposite of Aryan is Jews. No people in the world would have any more selfish progress than Jews. Jews do not consider any boundary as their territory. A good race must have a country. There is a territory that should be reserved. The proof of this is Even as long as today This nation still persists, regardless of country or territory. That must be maintained Being of these people Would show the truth in this matter that The Jews do not have any cultural foundation to be preserved in any way. "

The characteristics of the ideal Aryan Hitler must have blue eyes, blond hair, white skin,

The concept of the Nazis that the Germans were pure Aryan bloodline. Where did it begin? The story begins with a misunderstanding of Western scholars in the 19th century that Sanskrit is thought to be the remains of the Indo-European family. Later, German linguist Friedrich Schlegel developed the theory that language Sanskrit is associated with the German language. From a similar pronunciation between Aryan and German Ehre, which means honor

Decades of decades in the 1850s, Arthur de Gobineau, a French scholar, wrote a scholarly treatise on human ethnic inequality. Identifies the Germans, Scandinavia, and northern France as the true Aryan descendants. As for the people of Southern Europe, Slavic, Arab, Iranian, Indian, to other ethnic groups Is an impure bloodline caused by cross-race This concept was quite widespread at that time. By the beginning of the 20th century, German theorist Alfred Rosenberg expanded the concept by calling for the destruction of those who had no pure blood from Europe.  Those who are not considered ideal Aryan people include Jews, Romanians (Gypsies), Slavs, and also Africans, Asians, and Native Americans. This idea finally came to the Nazi Party and became an important goal of the party to preserve its high Aryan ethnicity.


As for Dr. Tun Isarangkun Na Ayuthaya, a professor at the Department of History Faculty of Arts Chulalongkorn University Expert on medieval and modern European history Had an interview with 101, stating that Hitler started accepting the idea of ​​hating Jews (Antisemitism) since the military in Munich.  Hitler listened to the lecture about Antisemitism by a professor of political science at the University of Munich. Also, during Hitler's military service in World War I The head of the military unit that Hitler affiliated himself has an anti-Semitic concept. Anti-communist And total nationalism

Die Endlsung der Judenfrage in German means "The complete solution to Jewish problems". The official term used by Hitler to implement policies in dealing with Jews.

On 25 February 1920, the Nazi Party Committee held a grand meeting. To define these 25 goals are examples of policies that indicate the concept of hating foreigners. But at that time, the Nazis were still just a nationalist party. Which does not have a role or interest more than other political groups And no one ever imagined that shortly The rise of this party will lead the country into world war again?

"Article 23. We want to protect the welfare of the nation politically. By controlling the newspaper and organizing the German national newspapers to really benefit the nation by A. Editors and assistants in every People must be German. B. If any newspaper To be typed in another language must be approved first. C. Non-German people, There must be a law that prohibits financial participation. Or have any influence In the german newspaper

Article 24. We want citizens to have full freedom of religion to the extent that it will not endanger the nation. And the ethics or feelings of German ethnicity This party will accept the Christian deputy. But will not count towards politics And we will be against the materialism of the Jews Both outside and inside the country And must be certain that Our nation will live happily by adhering to the principle that Benefits of participation before private "


10 years later, when the Nazi party had power And have more members They collaborate with university students. And professors across the country held various firing ceremonies and literature Produced by the Jews and other groups The content of the work is not consistent with the ideology of the Nazi regime. 5 years later, after Hitler became Prime Minister for 2 years, the Nazi Party Act Nuremberg 1935 consists of two laws: the law to protect German blood and German prestige. By prohibiting Germans from marrying or having sexual relations outside of wedlock with Jews. And the Reich citizenship law, which states that only those who have German blood or related blood will be citizens of Reich The rest are classified as "Civil servants of the state" which will not receive benefits

In fact, what is the word Aryan? In Buddhism, "Aryan" corresponds to the vocabulary of Buddhism, namely Ariya or Arya, meaning noble people, consistent with the true meaning of Sanskrit, which means that this word conveys nobility. Or honorable In Mandarin Chinese, the word Aryan can be named for a son. Meaning "A man who is stronger than anyone". As for anthropology, the word "Aryan" The media refers to a group of people living in steppes on the north of the Caspian Sea, 3,500 years ago. Or the area between central Asia and Eastern Europe And migrated southwards through Iran until reaching Northern India in the last 1,500 years They settle Blended with the native Dravidian people And gave birth to ancestors of the North and South Indians following Many scholars believe that traces of this exodus were told through the Ramayana legend. Indian epic literature that has long been told about the struggle between humans (Aryan) and giants (Dravidian people)

In 2018, a team of 92 researchers and scientists from well-known institutions, whether Harvard University or MIT, collaborated to conduct research to find clearer answers to Indian origin. They analyzed the genome of 612 ancient humans who had lived thousands of years ago. The examples that they have chosen to research include a diverse group of people from East Iran, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan as well as in South Asia. Of these, 362 samples have never been examined before. The results of the analysis were compared with the current genome sample of 246 people from different sources.


The results show that there are three main population groups mixed in the past. And gave birth to the ancestors of the Indians The first group is the population of South Asian hunters. The oldest inhabited group of people on this subcontinent. And has connections with indigenous people in the Andaman Islands of India The second group is farmers currently living in the Zagros Mountains in Iran. They traveled to the Indian subcontinent and brought the wisdom of growing wheat and barley. And the last group is the nomadic tribes of steppes in Central Asia and northern Afghanistan. Which is well known as "Aryan people"

The research team took the data out into the migration map, stating that The indigenous population of the Indus Valley Civilization arose from the assimilation of the first and second groups. (South Asian hunters + farmers in Iran). Then, around 2,000 BC, the Aryan migrated south from steppes to blend in with the Indus valley civilization. Causing the ancestors of the North Indians Subsequently, a group of Indus tribes migrated down to southern India and mixed with the indigenous hunting people again. Causing the ancestors of the South Indians And over time, the descendants of both North and South Indian ancestors faced each other again. And blended together to become the current population of Indians

This is the story of the Aryan people. That does not mean people of any race, as Hitler understands. Worse is that this idea became an excuse for the murder of a different group of people. In the name of noble patriotism The Nazi Party killed as many as 6 million Jews in Europe during World War II and not just Jews. The victims of the extreme nationalism of that time were about 220,000 Gypsies, Balkans, and Croatians. And 312,000 Bosnian people, 250,000 people with disabilities and hundreds of thousands of people accused of same-sex sexual orientation, due to lack of clear information. Historians speculate that the victims of the Nazi genocide policy if combined, could reach 17 million.

Madness in pure ethnicity has not stopped there. During the Second World War, another goal was to eliminate the non-Aryan people The Nazi party also wanted to produce the Aryan bloodline as much as possible. In 1935, Heinrich Himmler, the commander of the SS (Schutzstaffel), who was responsible for protecting Hitler and protecting the noble race of Germany, founded the project "Lebensborn".More German girls who have the characteristics matching the Aryan ideals will be selected to the center. So that they have children and soldiers of the SS. Children born to the property of the SS, they will be well raised. Get an education But they will not know who their parents are Moreover, the SS staff also carried out a mission to kidnap children with golden hair and blue eyes to feed the center. After the war, these orphans were scattered to the Lebensborn Project in many countries, such as France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Poland, and Luxembourg. Or if lucky, may have a family to adopt


As part of the Nuremberg Act 1935, all Jews were required to wear the yellow six-pointed star on their sleeves. To separate the Jews from other citizens In addition, the Nazis created many ghettos. To imprison the Jews In which the inside is living in dire harsh living conditions and food rationing is not needed Resulting in hundreds of thousands of Jews dead by plague or hunger


New nazi movement

People remember what the Nazis did to their victims by heart. But what happened to the Germans themselves when they lost the war? When the Allies took over Berlin People almost don't believe their eyes. What is more difficult than confiscating the land is to clear the ideology in the head that has been instilled in Germans of all ages for many decades. After all, they have been molded and hoped with the ideals of the Nazi party that the Germans are number one in the world. And their kingdom will be extended to the extreme Endure for a thousand years Everything collapses in front The Soviet Union recovered after losing millions of citizens to the Nazi party. The Red Army cleared and detained more than 180,000 suspected Germans, of which second-level Nazi party members. As well as Hitler's youth

All inmates are left to starve. Lost contact with relatives The strong men were sent to labor in Siberia. And never came back again The number of laborers and the number of deaths remains a mystery. In the areas liberated by the United States and England, the military was ordered not to leave food for the Germans. And refusing help from charities It is reported that during the years 1945 - 1946 after the defeat of the war resulted in the number of Germans who starved to the millions. And many see this as justice compared to what they have done with the world 

Today, German society is very far from the Nazis. This is a country with top democracy. Both economic and technological progress Instead, the right-wing ideology reappeared in many countries around the world instead. Including in Germany as well as Modern extreme nationalist concepts are not just Jewish hatred. But if it covers racism, skin color, and sexual orientation, And in many countries, the idea was raised by politicians as a policy. For example, political parties in many European countries, despite the different policy content But instead have the common characteristics of Hostility to immigrants, using anti-Islamic words And criticizing the European Union. In the US, a report from the Institute for Economic and Peace Indicate that during the years 2014 - 2017, the society tends to have more violence With 66 deaths from 127 assault attacks, both as a group action And individually It comes from the extreme right concept for people of different nationalities, skin color, and religion.


Science Education Organization And the United Nations Culture (UNESCO) states that "all humans come from the same species and from the same ancestors." Until gone And there is no other race that is superior

Going back to the Indian genetic research in 2018, this not only revealed new information If still shaking the old beliefs of the Hindus When many evidence is saying that the true Aryan people did not originate in India according to the Vedas But the Indians were a mixture of immigrants and their native people If accepting this new idea, it cannot be claimed that who is the true ethnicity is not true. Or who is a pure ethnic anymore The Nazi regime has already shown how racial hatred drives humans to create the worst of things, but 74 years after the end of World War 2, the seeds of hate were still cultivated. In truth, we are all descendants of the first few thousand humans who left Africa some 60,000 years ago. Well, isn't it?



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