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The history of GREAT WALL OF CHINA | Sahir Studio

GREAT WALL OF CHINA    History of the Great Wall of China:  The Great Wall of China is the national military defense project in the cold weapon war era with the longest time and the largest amount of construction in the world. It condenses the sweat and wisdom of our ancestors and is the symbol and pride of the Chinese nation.  According to historical records, since the Warring States period, more than 20 vassals and feudal dynasties have built the Great Wall. The earliest was the Chu Kingdom. To defend the nomadic or enemy countries in the north, they began to build the Great Wall. Subsequently, Qi, Yan, Wei, Zhao, Qin, and other countries also began to build their own Great Wall for the same purpose.  After Qin unified  the six countries, the famous emperor Qin Shihuang sent Meng Tian northward to the Xiongnu, connecting the Great Walls of various countries. From Linyao in the west to Liaodong in the east, it stretched for more than 10,000 miles. This is called the

Top 10 Richest cities in the World 2021 | chachu google


top 10 richest peoples in the world by chachu google


US agreed to Islamic govt in Afghanistan

  Home Today's Paper Top Story US agreed to Islamic govt in Afghanistan ISLAMABAD: The US had already agreed in the Doha agreement that there would be an Islamic government in Kabul which would have positive relations with the US and its allies. The agreement between the US and the Taliban was signed in Feb 2020. Under the same agreement, the US stands committed not to interfere in the internal affairs of Afghanistan. Contrary to what is publicly propagated, there is no mention in the Doha agreement of human rights or women’s rights in a future Afghanistan. However, the agreement on the part of the Taliban guarantees that it will prevent the use of Afghanistan’s soil by any group or individual against the security of the United States and its allies. The Washington had also agreed that the US and its allies will refrain from the threat or the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Afghanistan or intervening in its domestic affairs. I

chapter 13

This hoarse scream made Theo freeze. He turned around, still not fully believing his ears, and slowly walked back to where Beth was standing. Now she looked so small and fragile, but a fire burned in her eyes. - Stay with me. He gritted his teeth, trying not to pay attention to the wave of desire rising in his body in response to this request, and gave his face a neutral, indifferent expression. “Better I call sister Muriel and ask you to keep your company.” Beth frowned, trying to contain the tears of frustration that were about to pour out of her eyes. “This is not at all what I had in mind.” Theo, who knew exactly what Beth wanted, continued to pretend to be blind. The temptation to accept her offer, to respond to the call of these imploring green eyes was almost irresistible, he had to take a few deep breaths before he managed to pull himself together and answer: - I can not. Beth's lips quivered, and tears flowed from her eyes. - Do not feel sorry for me, better ho