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The history of GREAT WALL OF CHINA | Sahir Studio

GREAT WALL OF CHINA    History of the Great Wall of China:  The Great Wall of China is the national military defense project in the cold weapon war era with the longest time and the largest amount of construction in the world. It condenses the sweat and wisdom of our ancestors and is the symbol and pride of the Chinese nation.  According to historical records, since the Warring States period, more than 20 vassals and feudal dynasties have built the Great Wall. The earliest was the Chu Kingdom. To defend the nomadic or enemy countries in the north, they began to build the Great Wall. Subsequently, Qi, Yan, Wei, Zhao, Qin, and other countries also began to build their own Great Wall for the same purpose.  After Qin unified  the six countries, the famous emperor Qin Shihuang sent Meng Tian northward to the Xiongnu, connecting the Great Walls of various countries. From Linyao in the west to Liaodong in the east, it stretched for more than 10,000 miles. This is called the

chapter 13

This hoarse scream made Theo freeze. He turned around, still not fully believing his ears, and slowly walked back to where Beth was standing. Now she looked so small and fragile, but a fire burned in her eyes. - Stay with me.

He gritted his teeth, trying not to pay attention to the wave of desire rising in his body in response to this request, and gave his face a neutral, indifferent expression.

“Better I call sister Muriel and ask you to keep your company.”

Beth frowned, trying to contain the tears of frustration that were about to pour out of her eyes.

“This is not at all what I had in mind.”

Theo, who knew exactly what Beth wanted, continued to pretend to be blind. The temptation to accept her offer, to respond to the call of these imploring green eyes was almost irresistible, he had to take a few deep breaths before he managed to pull himself together and answer:

- I can not.

Beth's lips quivered, and tears flowed from her eyes.

- Do not feel sorry for me, better honestly say that you just do not want me.

But she knew for sure that he wanted her, she felt his desire, as hot and passionate as her own, at the moment of the kiss, when his flesh surrendered to her pressed against her hips.

“That doesn't matter,” Theo shook his head, thinking in horror about how much more he could control his body. - Now you are very upset by the death of your grandmother and therefore, more than ever, vulnerable.

His gaze rested on her swollen lips, provocatively parted lips. Theo realized that he never wanted to have a woman more than now. Desire burned him from the inside.

“I'm trying to do the right thing, Beth,” he said with a plea in his voice. “Don't torture me.” If now I do what you ask, tomorrow you will hate me.

“No need to tell me how I will feel,” Beth shook her head in exasperation.

Her silky hair scattered over her shoulders from this sudden movement. She raised her hand to correct them, but froze, as if she had forgotten what she was about to do, looking into Theo's black eyes. He caught her palm and pressed it to his chest, and Beth felt him tremble. His inner, restrained power fascinated Beth, she could not even imagine that she could so long for a man. Everything in Theo, from the line of his sensual lips to the tips of long, beautiful fingers, attracted her like a magnet. She slowly closed her eyes and breathed in his scent.

Elizabeth!  - She did not know what it was, a moan or a supplication.

Theo slowly, as if overcoming internal resistance, ran a hand through her hair, allowing the black wave to flow through his fingers and crumble over his shoulders. But suddenly he clenched his hand into a fist and hid it behind his back, apparently, far from sin.

“Now I will call the vicar’s wife and ask her sister to spend the night with you, and then ...”

“You want me,” Beth whispered, no longer doubting her words.

- Beth ...

The dangerous notes in his voice had no effect. Beth pressed her whole body against him, stroking his face with narrow icy palms. Theo did not know how to hide his eyes, so as not to look into these invocative, witching eyes.

- Do you want me! Her whisper drove him crazy.

“Elizabeth, listen to me, you ...”

She did not let him finish, pressing a hand to his lips. Theo bit a little bite of her fingers with a faint moan. This gentle, intimate touch caused a whole firework of feelings in Beth's body. She ran her fingers through his hair, drawing his face to her.

“Please, Theo, please, I need to forget, not feel ... I want my memories to leave me for just a moment ... I know you can do this for me.”

He nodded slowly.

“But you must understand that only for a while you will forget about the pain.” In the morning she will be with you again.

“I understand everything, but please give me this night.”

Theo was still trying to curb his hormones, guided, if not by reason, which had already lost ground, then at least by principles, although he felt that he would lose this battle.

- Listen to me, now you are torn to pieces from emotions overwhelming you ...

“Theo, I'm not a child, I know how I feel.” You just do not want me, the only problem is this.

Theo whistled his breath through clenched teeth, watching Beth's eyes fill again with tears.

“I just want you to say it out loud and stop playing nobility!”

Something burst inside him. Theo suddenly ceased to restrain himself and squeezed Beth in his arms.

“Oh, I'm not at all as noble as you think,” he growled, devouring her with flaming eyes.

“Good,” she breathed faintly.

Theo slowly brought her hands to her lips and kissed the porcelain skin on the inside of her wrist, making her tremble with desire. Beth stood, unable to move, when he ran fingertips along with her hair, cheek, neck, slowly bent to her lips. His kiss was firm, demanding, she parted her lips, allowing his tongue to penetrate, and could not contain the groan of pleasure. Hearing him, Theo pulled back a little.

“No,” she breathed in a panic, not wanting to interrupt this painful pleasure.

Theo's dizzy in her voice made her dizzy.

“I can’t do it anymore,” he whispered, holding Beth closer to himself, and suddenly raised her so that their faces were on the same level. - Kiss Me! He ordered.

She did not make him repeat twice.

The heat and hardness of his strong, thin body were felt even through the clothes separating them. Beth seemed that all her feelings were aggravated, she felt Theo with every cell of her body, was ready to scream from passion and desire to become even closer to him. Not a single thought remained in her head, she was all swallowed by Theo, enjoying every touch that his hands and lips gave.

“Oh dear, how good,” she whispered, almost without breaking the kiss.

He answered in his own language, without even thinking if she understood him. But Beth didn't need to know the language to understand Theo. The words spoken by his slightly hoarse, desire-filled voice broke from his lips, sending electrical discharges to every nerve ending on her body. She closed her eyes, enjoying the sweetness of his lips.

“No, Elizabeth,” she heard his hot whisper. - Look at me!

His eyes seemed like flaming coals, pools of passion in which one could easily drown, they hypnotized and captivated, drove him crazy.

“Call me, Elizabeth, I want to hear how you pronounce my name ...”

She ran her hands over his broad shoulders, feeling steel muscles roll under the fabric. Beth was ready to do whatever he wanted to make Theo enjoy it, but his request made her suddenly embarrassed. She hesitantly raised her hands and took his face in her hands.

“Theo,” she whispered. “Theo,” she repeated, seeing his eyes darken. “Theo, will you take me to bed?”

He bit his lower lip and raised his head, looked at the stairs leading to Beth’s bedroom, and realized that he simply could not stand it. He caught her hand and gently kissed his palm.

“No,” he shook his head, unable to cope with the desire torn from his body. - Too far.

Theo kissed her again, paved the way down her neck with her lips, to the tender hemispheres of her chest. Without stopping kissing Beth, he grabbed her in his arms and carried her to the old sofa. Now Beth didn’t give a damn about his creak and springs crashing into his back, hiding under the worn upholstery. All she could feel was Theo's hands examining and caressing her body.

Laying Beth on the couch, Theo knelt beside him, caressing her body with a glowing passion. But Beth wanted more. She longed to feel the warmth of his skin, pressed against her whole body, without layers of clothing separating them, longed for it so much that it frightened her.

Theo's fingers trembled a little as he untied Beth's robe and pulled it off her.

“You are so beautiful,” he whispered, covering her breast with his palm and caressing the nipple through the lace of the bra.

Then he slowly pulled off one thin strap one after another, unfastened the clasp hidden on the back, and pressed his lips to the snow-white skin of her chest, kissing and biting. Following her bra went his shirt. Beth could not take her eyes off his muscular torso worthy of an ancient god, and his skin seemed to be molten gold.

In the arms of Theo, Beth no longer understood where his body ends and where her own begins. Her heart pounded like a drum when she heard his hot whisper:

“I want to know what you taste like.”

His kisses went lower and lower until they reached the place where her desire was concentrated. She flinched a little as he, with one motion, tore off the last lace barrier from her lips and tongue. Beth was already ready to scream from the desire to feel him in herself, to become even closer, her hands randomly rummaged along his back, glaring at the golden skin with her claws.

“Theo ... Theo ... Please, rather ... I need this ... now ... I want to feel only you!” - Beth was angry with herself for not being able to express in words what has now taken possession of her whole being.

“I know,” he answered hoarsely. - Oh ...

Beth's fingers quickly dealt with his belt, found themselves under the fabric of his jeans, closing on his erect flesh.

Theo with a groan finished the work she had begun, freeing herself from the remnants of her clothes, and froze, looking at her. He caught her wrists and brought his hands behind her head, from which her body bent helplessly. He looked into her full pleas and passions for a long time before allowing himself to lower his gaze below, and he glided along the alluring curves of her naked body. Now Elizabeth was so tender, warm, real, and Theo seemed that they were alone in this world, that she was created just for him, and now Theo was sure that this was really so, that it was right.

It was only a fraction of the feelings that overwhelmed Theo's chest now. He began to kiss her again, enjoying the sweet suppleness of her lips, and at the same time gently spread her legs.

Beth opened her eyes in amazement, accustomed to a new sensation, feeling his muscular legs on the inside of her thighs. Her hands, seeking support, lay on his broad, strong shoulders. She hid her face on Theo's neck, nibbling his collarbone slightly, enjoying the brackish taste of his golden skin. Both of them breathed heavily and intermittently, he whispered to her affectionate words in his own language, and she repeated his name again and again.

Beth’s desire grew with every moment, she could no longer control herself and, guided by primitive instinct rather than reason, leaned toward him. Her body arched and her eyes widened as she felt his tensed flesh sink into her body.

“Oh my god, you ...” A sweet wave swept through her body.

Theo suddenly froze and looked at Beth in surprise. Entering it, he felt a barrier that did not allow him to move on.

“Beth ... Beth, is everything all right?”

- Not good. - Her sensations could not be described with this boring, everyday word, what she felt was thousands and thousands of miles from “good”, it was incredible, this pleasure could not be measured by any number system known to mankind. “Oh, Theo, you are so ... Theo, this is amazing, please ...”

The realization that he would become her first lover at the same time pleased and frightened him, but when he felt what passion she responds with, bending towards him, he forgot about fear and completely surrendered to the power of desire.

“Very slowly and carefully,” Theo whispered hoarsely, talking at that moment rather with himself than with Beth.

He stepped out of her for a moment, but the protesting moan that she uttered, sensing this, was replaced by a groan of pleasure when he entered her again and began to rhythmically move, moving deeper and deeper, gradually building up the pace.

Instinctively, Beth lifted her hips, legs crossed on his back, feeling how previously unknown heat spreads throughout her body, penetrating everywhere - under the skin and blood, into every part of her body. She clung to him more and more, wanting to absorb him completely, kissed and nibbled him, not knowing how else to express her feelings, her hands slid along his back and chest, stroking and caressing. It seemed to her that she was losing her mind, which simply could not withstand such a hurricane of emotions. Beth's screams and groans became louder when he penetrated even deeper into her as if thousands of fireworks exploded in her blood, and then a soft and sweet wave of pleasure caught her, taking her away.

She did not know when again she was able to think coherently or even breathe, pleasure spread through her body to the very ends of her fingers a languid, hot bliss. Although it was all over, Beth didn’t want Theo to move away from her, so she gently hugged him, feeling a shiver run down his back. He remained to lie with his face hidden in her hair, realizing that he had never experienced anything like it in any woman before.

Beth was already falling asleep when he raised his head and looked into her blurred emerald eyes.

“Thank you,” she whispered with a smile.

Theo, not looking up, watched her eyes slowly close, hiding under long, fluffy eyelashes, how her breathing evened out and felt a terrible disgust for himself.

He did not know that she was a virgin, although, with his experience he could have guessed before, he understood how vulnerable she was now. Why didn’t this stop him? Why did he still rush at her, like a wild beast, eager to satisfy the hunger of his flesh?

What was he thinking? She needed support, hugs, human warmth, not sex!

A load of guilt squeezed his chest as he looked at Beth's face, which had become so open, defenseless in a dream. Cautiously, trying not to wake her, he lifted Beth into his arms, and she trustingly clung to his chest. He did not deserve such trust.

Lord, what has he done? Beth didn’t get anything that a beautiful girl deserves for her first time - no romance, no music, no candles, no long and tender seduction - he just threw her on an old, long-broken sofa and took it with eager impatience, not paying attention to her inexperience. He has no excuse.

By the time Theo climbed up to the second floor and began to glance at the rooms, most of which looked uninhabited, he came to the conclusion that he behaved no better than a wild beast.

The last room he entered was Beth’s bedroom. There was a bed neatly covered with a patchwork quilt, a large bookcase, and a wardrobe. Theo was surprised to note that, although he was in the girl’s bedroom, there was no mirror, there was not a single reflective surface at all. Everything was very modest, neat, and yes, virgin.

Tidying up the plush animals perched in the head to straighten the bed, Theo moaned mentally, feeling at least a molester.

When he carefully put her to bed, Beth opened her eyes slightly and smiled. Lying in bed, she continued to watch from under half-opened eyelashes how he undresses and lays down next to her. She immediately curled up next to him, laying a black-haired head on his shoulder and whispered, before falling back into sleep:

“Thanks for staying.”

Theo couldn't remember the last time he had spent the whole night with a woman. He lay with his eyes open, looked at the ceiling, and stroked a little the delicate, velvety skin of Beth sleeping next to him, breathing in her fresh smell.

He was still awake when she woke up from a nightmare at night, screaming, clinging to his shoulders with icy hands as if seeking protection. The attempt to calm the crying girl quickly grew into something completely different, but this time it was different, unbearably slow and gentle as if Theo had decided to test his self-control once again, gradually bringing Beth to a frenzy.

Not only Beth, but Theo also did not know that one could get such pleasure from intimacy.

The next time they made love in the morning, and now Theo woke up, feeling her little playful palms wandering around his body, heard her voice whispering that now it was her turn and she belonged and did not mind surrendering to the power of burning their both passions.


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